Ormskirk Golf Club

Situated in Lathom Park, a former seat of the Derby family, Ormskirk Golf Club came into being on 14 April 1899 when six local gentlemen promoted a meeting at the Ormskirk Workingmen’s Institute. They were all members of Southport (later changed to Hesketh) Golf Club which at that time had moved inland to Moss Lane and it is possible that the unsettled state of this club had influenced their decision to form Ormskirk. The outcome was that the founder members who attended the meeting quickly got down to business and declared the club duly constituted and proceeded to elect a Council, Trustees, Secretary, Treasurer and to name Mr H Brighouse as Captain. As he served for only part of the year he enjoyed a second term in 1900. The final decision taken at the inaugural meeting was the act of faith by 17 founder members in guaranteeing a total of £150 towards the erection of a clubhouse which was built later that year at a cost, including the furnishings, of £700.

The chosen site for the first 9 holes was New Park which at one time had been part of Lord Derby’s deer park. The course was leased from the Stanley Estates and was constructed under the direction of the former Open Champion, Harold Hilton, who played in the exhibition match when the course was opened on 2 December 1899. Hilton also supervised the construction of the second 9 holes in the adjacent Top Park which enabled the 18 hole course to be formally opened on 30 May 1903. Nine years later in 1912 the members grasped the opportunity to buy the freehold of the entire 125 acres for £5,700. The foresight of such members has to be applauded because whilst the deal appears to be incredibly cheap by today’s standards the £7,655 they had to borrow must have caused some sleepless nights.

The original clubhouse served the members until 1914 when a more substantial structure was built on the present site at a cost of £2,827. Electricity was installed in 1934, followed shortly afterwards by the addition of living accommodation for the Steward and there have been various other extensions over the years. In 1991 a new professional’s shop was built and if the cost of £75,000 seems expensive it is only a reflection on the impact of inflation. Parking problems were resolved in 1998 when the club spent £180,000 to buy and landscape an extra piece of land on which to lay a new car park on the opposite side of Cranes Lane, helpfully subsidised by a substantial refund of VAT.

Two major reconstructions have taken place since the course became 18 holes although the basic layout has not fundamentally changed. The parkland setting is now a stern but fair test of golf which has been used as a regional qualifying course for the Open Championship and to host County matches for the men and the ladies. The original 23 Lady Subscribers have now increased signi ficantly and the ladies section is well known for its support of County golf and the Liverpool Society of Lady Golf Captains.

Ormskirk was a founder member of the Society and Danny Garforth was elected as Society Captain in 1983/84, and also served as President of the Lancashire Union of Golf Clubs in 2004. Ian Gregson was the Captain of the Society for 2012, thus being the second from the club to hold this office.

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1899 H Brighouse 1942 C L Worsley 1985 E S Morton
1900 H Brighouse 1943 C L Worsley 1986 R L Pendleton
1901 R R Glover 1944 C L Worsley 1987 J M Hemson
1902 P M Hunter 1945 C L Worsley 1988 E I Linton
1903 J Morrison 1946 H A Fair 1989 T Sayer
1904 J E Potter 1947 W Brown 1990 R Guy
1905 J E Potter 1948 J R Holmes 1991 W Caunce
1906 C Stewart 1949 J T Whittle 1992 J K Nuthall
1907 J Ainscough 1950 R H K Fair 1993 H Winstanley
1908 F A Jones 1951 C G R Hill 1994 I M Beaton
1909 E E Linaker 1952 C F H Sergeant 1995 D Howarth
1910 F Potter 1953 P D Kennedy 1996 A J Price
1911 J T Whittle 1954 J A Blackwood 1997 E T Hey
1912 R E Hattersley 1955 J B Ellis 1998 B A Jackson
1913 R E Hattersley 1956 R H Gray 1999 C D Mawdsley
1914 C W H Clark 1957 R S Heaton 2000 J G Foster
1915 T Coulton 1958 A H M Stewart 2001 I Gregson
1916 T Coulton 1959 T W Winterson 2002 M Halliwell
1917 T Coulton 1960 O W Ainscough 2003 J V Williams
1918 T Coulton 1961 M L Forster 2004 J J K Price
1919 T Coulton 1962 R F Hockin 2005 R G Malley
1920 F Potter 1963 R H K Fair 2006 P M Cowan
1921 T G Alexander 1964 E H Ryde-Weller 2007 D B Brookfield
1922 T G Alexander 1965 C Riding 2008 A Cooper
1923 C L Worsley 1966 D G Riding 2009 J G S Woods
1924 W M Lowe 1967 J A Bishop 2010 B W O'Brien
1925 H J Walker 1968 L C Riding 2011 G E Jackson
1926 H J Cooke 1969 N W Daish 2012 A J Ball
1927 H J Cooke 1970 D E Finch 2013 W J Pendleton
1928 G Hewlett 1971 L C Bullard 2014 K Draper
1929 G Hewlett 1972 R R D Heaton 2015 D A James
1930 S H Sagar 1973 A Kirkham 2016 D J Eccleston
1931 C L Worsley 1974 H F Sharman 2017 S Broster
1932 H P Lumby 1975 P Finch 2018 C R Read
1933 C W W Thorpe 1976 S S Lawson 2019 S Glover
1934 R E Hattersley 1977 C M R Hill 2020 N W Guy
1935 J T Whittle 1978 D Garforth 2021 N W Guy
1936 J T Whittle 1979 R F Nanson 2022 P N MaHood
1937 J E Glover 1980 J A Bush 2023 J F Beesley
1938 B R Rice-Jones 1981 N Pendleton 2024 M Bardsley
1939 P W Makinson 1982 D Edge 2025 A Acheson
1940 C L Worsley 1983 A J Cunnington    
1941 C L Worsley 1984 R J Berry